Release information: 2.2.3 ------------- - fixed long acquisitio times with Fitpix (> 200 s) - fixed output in file in DacScan - better licensing support - added differential in DacScan - added single file output in DacScan 2.2.2 ------------- - added better DacScan plugin, similar to windows version - added visualization of Color modes for Medipix3 Rx - added scrollbars to chip toolbar in Dac panel for detectors with more chips - added support for new cdf (parallel readout) format - added posibility to specify configs and logs directories of pixelman via pixelman.ini - moved Medipix3Rx specific settings from interface specific to Acquisition specific settings - fixed not empty panel in device specific when reconnecting - fixed Preview window zoomed region statistics refresh properly - fixed ftdi driver 2.08.28 problem (freezing of pixelman) - fixed rectangle when saving frame in preview window - fixed Medipix3 Rx equalization - fixed issue when on some older computers data were lost when reading from Fitpix - optimalization of fitpix hardware library cpu usage - removed auto aspect ratio by default and removed unecessary resizing of windows on start up - removed thl-fbk panel in Dac panel - ftdi drivers are now included in pixelman binaries on linux, no need to install 2.2.1 ------------- - 64 bit version of Linux, Mac, Windows - added chip/interface attributes - added Licenses - Fitpix hardware library completly rewritten - full support for Medipix 3RX with Fitpix - New JDeviceSpecific panel - compatible also with Medipix 3Rx - Java Dac Panel - added analog values, default values button - Configuration in single mfc file includig calibration - Asking for overwritting when single file selected - Mac Specific and Linux specific moved to lib and not plugin anymore - default IKrum dac set to 1 - fixed not refreshing count when preview refreshing - fixed saving of pictures in preview window when zoomed - fixed java framebrowser - frames without path show "not path" and every frame has frameid in front of if - fixed JDeviceSpecific - burst mode and bias refreshing when changed from plugin/script - added ftdi drivers on Mac into pixelman directory - no need to install drivers anymore - added about box in Mac - added single file in filtered output - added posibility to create python plugins - added JPreviewWindow - when range min max are equal - labels in red - added JPreviewWindow - when auto update preview disabled - checkbox in red - added matrixop plugin on mac and linux - added simple dac scan plugin on mac and linux - added reconnect on error option in Device Control panel - better managed items dialog in windows 2.1.1 ------------- - native open/save dialog on Windows - faster open - 64 bit version on Windows - c++ exception handlig shows which function exception occured in - timepix calibration with internal test pulses (plugin on request) - improved python scripting - added console, function list window (plugin on request) - added ftdimgr plugin to control ftdi and serial port devices from scripting plugin - added matrixop plugin with basic matrix/frame operations to use from scripting plugin - fixed bug in Preview Window when during acquisition min/max field could not be changed - fixed bias verification value in interface specific for FITPix - added noise generation in dummy device - improved selections in Preview window - several selection, SNR calculation, pix dialog for multiple selections - added color maps - inverted gray and HSL - added auto range options - 2 new fractiles, and smart autorange - added exported function to set single file parameter in jmpxctrlui - added filedevdummy plugin - quick addition of dummy of file device from pixelman menu 2.1.0 ------------- - added Java Scipting plugin - possible to script Pixelman in python - added threshold equalization plugin for Linux and Mac OS X - added JDevice Specific plugin - added Dac Dependency scan for Linux and Mac - added posibility to change config and logs dir in config files - added change of dummy and file device, flat panel width and height on-line - added file device stop on last frame option - added file device can read cluster log files - added new FTDI drivers - added catching of C++ exceoption in Java, when occurs, software does not crash without message - added better icon for Mac Pixelman - added export function to set comment in JMpxCtrlui - added possibility to chanbge in FITPix hwlib how the DACS for Timepix are set (FF for all DACS, FF only for changed dac, FF only for ikrum) - changed DIS DAC default value to 100 - fixed repeat checkbox enabled during measurement running - fixed missing load mode in control panel for Timepix - fixed DAC Panel chip numbered from 0 - fixed save load dacs set to enabled - fixed JDacPanel when minimized or hidden - no anaalog value refresh - fixed comment in device control panel 2.0.6 ------------- - added custom matrix layout for multiple chips - added checking for updates - added more parameters in hw specific info for FITPix library - added added option to save settings of mpx detectors and JMpxCtrlui panel before starting acquisition - added fitlerchains are saved when FilterChain window is closed - added posibility to load just txt frames in preview window - added firmware version and pixelman version in to description files - added dialog that asks if last DeviceControl window is closed, if pixelman should be closed as well - added function to set and get Matrix layout for multiple chips in API - fixed !!! saving of binary frames in "Matrix" format where only half of the frame was saved !!! - fixed show chip positions in preview window - fixed problem with Mac OS X 10.6.6 update and FTDI drivers: new FTDI Drivers neccessary - fixed spaming of FITPix logs (increasing size of logs) when FITPix disconnected from PC - fixed ensure aspect ratio for Preview window when scrollbars visible - fixed bias settings in FITPix and added bias sense - fixed hang when trigger mode (hwtrigger start) and abort clicked before trigger received - fixed not refreshing of pixel configuration in Preview window, when multiple chip and loading binary pix. cfg from file - improved burst mode: improved stability when aborting, auto re-reading when matrix read fails - version of API set to 206, all older plugins must be recompiled. 2.0.5 ------------- - added automatical instalation of ftdi drivers on linux - fixed bug with new drivers on Windows 7 - fixed bug with FITPix on Linux - fixed permissions problem on Linux - fixed firmware flasher on OS X and Linux (showing connected devices) - fixed external shutter for Muros - fixed polarity settings for Medipix3 2.0.4 ------------- - fixed bugs in Java Mpx3 Equalization - should now work in all modes - fixed bug when zooming in negative values in preview window - fixed when error log window hiden, window is not shown when acquisition aborted. 2.0.3 ------------- - added Java Mpx3 Equalization plugin - added Java Filter Chain plugin - added Multi Chip pixel configuration plugin - added Remote Control plugin (available now for Linux and OS X) - added Refresh Dacs and PixCfg after Xth frame - added possibility to set directory/file into dummmy/file device (right click in hw interface specific tab) - added masking of pixels into File Device - added possibility to load frames without .dsc file in FileDevice - added support for TIFF images in preview window - added support for double matrixes in FileDevice - added config file for jmpxloader - possibility to choose which java plugins to load, added "Add Java plugin" item into menu - fixed firmware flasher plugin - when firmware flashing failes first time, repeats flashing - fixed crash on linux when loading frames with old description format - fixed naming of repeat direcotries when contained . (dot) in the name - fiexd in exported functoins of JMpxCtrlui - progress reported correctly, variable types now match - fixed JFrameBrowser - loads now frames without .dsc files - fixed Multi monitor - when second monitor not conencted, window is shown on main monitor - fixed loading of java classes - uses now system loader - fixed JDacPanel - freeze when acquisition was running and panel was opened - fixed saving of filter chains in JMpxCtrlUI - not loaded properly on start up 2.0.2 ------------- - added Java Frame Browser Plugin - added possibility to set direcotries/files to dummy/file device from Java Frame Browser - added "Managed items" dialog to browse managed items - added device: File Device (configurable in mpxctrl.ini) - added continue on error for USB2 library burst mode - added support for Medipix3 in USB2 library - added checking of read-only file system on startup (mostly for Mac users - in order no to run pixelman from dmg disk) - added checking of JPluginInterface API and Shared.jar API version - to eliminate files incompatibilty - added exported functions for JMpxCtrlui and JPreview Window - added saving of preview into ASCII files - fixed bug in USB2 library - acquisition time was saved into dsc wrong - fixed aborting acquisition in USB library and new firmware Mpx2_2.0.8 and Mpx3_2.1.1 - fixed support of sw trigger in old USB library - fixed disable/enable of SetMode menu in JMpxCtrlUI for chips other than Timepix - fixed showing of "Do you want to terminate other instatnce of Pixelman" dialog that was shown under the Splash screen - fixed Open/Save dialogs in preview window now remeber it's last location after exit - fixed saving of range in preview window after exit - fixed creating of Path of direcotries in JMpxCtrlui if it didin't exist - renamed Java Medipix Control to Java Device Control Panel, also other small gui changed in Preview window - change in layout of Acq Settings dialog - image output now has label 2.0.1 ------------- - added repetition do DAC scan - added "Continue on communication error" for USB2 normal acq mode (not working for burst yet) - added checking of written matrix in old usb library - added CA filter supports multi format - fix for test bits for Timepix chips - fix for Pixel Config dialog - enabling fields according to selected checks - fir in Mpx3 USB lib - overrides values was not initialized properly - api version changed to 2.0.0 - fixed name of item in CA filter - fix for 64bit OS X version - should work with Mac OS X 10.6 - fix in sparce ASCII files - error in multiformat file - fix for multiple devices in JMpxCtrlui - time, acq count, progress was not indicated properly - fix for test pulse in Mpx2 - didn't work - fix in JavaWrapper for accented characters in file names - test pulses settings are now remebered - fix for permission on Linux not to run pixelman under root (USB1) - fix in firmware of USB1 - test pulses should now work in most cases - fix - pixcfg dialog test bit - items in inverse - fix for double 2.0.0 ------------- - added hint in preview window on frame with coordinates - defaultly JMpxCtrlui docked in preview window - ignored pixels not refreshed when masked - zoom - autorange applied properly - changing in edit when acq in progress fixed (was impossible before) - set timepix clock in hwusb fixed - ESC in dialog now closes dialog - device settings dialog resizable - device settings dialog - interface specific - selectable by space key - preview window - changing pixcfg for column, rows not working properly - 1e6 possible to enter in preview window and jmpxctrlui - resizing frame smaller than 256, not showing scrollbars - auto aspect ratio functionality added - whitespace in hwspecific removed - manual range not applied when instance range off - fixed instance and automatic range update - to have same behaviour as in windows pixelman - preview - shift adj, mask - remembers last entered number - open/save dialogs remebers last opened dir - preview overview - sorted by name - load pixel+dacs selected by default - time in preview window did not refresh - removed frame attribute in error log - not saving frames when no file output selected - jflasher - suuport releasing usb devices from usblibs - usb libraries for USB1 checks firmware version - vc residtributable no longe needed. finally fixed - killing of pixelman did not work when executed by pixelman.exe - usb2 readout frequency added to ini file - removed creating of tmp dir in root. moved to proper temporary directory 1.11.3 ------------- - added kill pixelman - fix in preview window - shows number decimal on color axis to 0.0001 - fix in mpxctrlui - entering big number, format 1e-6 (lowercase) allowed - fix in preview window - entering big number, format 1e-6 (loweracse) allowed - change in dac panel - button bar for chip number instead of combobox - lock checkboxes and chip buttons not shown for one chip - fix in docking - size of preview window with docked ctrlui panel, is not bigger than saved size - added title for panels (ctrlui, dacpanel) - when ctrlui hiden -> smaler size - added preview overview window - added burst mode 1.11.2 ------------- - fix histogram and fractile counted badly when repeatedly counted - fix slowlyness off loading classes (copy resoucers very slow) - fix preview window GUI panels layout fixed - fix reconnect now loads settings of ctrlui, preview wnd, dac panel - fix Tools menu reloaded when changed and when new mpx device found - splash screen added - added Dac panel - added Java Flashed Plugin